Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Unleashing a Church Volunteers Potential

Have you ever been to the pet store and watched the hamsters run in their wheel? The word “meaningless” comes to mind. Unfortunately, I think sometimes church volunteers feel much like that hamster.

You see it on their faces. They are carrying out a mindless task that nobody sees and nobody recognizes. They do it faithfully week after week without recognition or praise. Granted, that is not why they do it. They do it because God called them to this task. Maybe it is that back up guitar player that is always on time and ready to serve, maybe it is that nursery worker with a baby under each arm who shows the love of Christ to each and every child. Or maybe it is that grade seven boy’s small group leader who says a prayer before he enters the lion’s den. They are the people like Job that God brags about in heaven. They are volunteers who choose this task because there is a passion inside that cannot be explained - A passion from God. Yet, when you look into their eyes the verse that comes to mind is not “The joy of the Lord is my strength.” But rather “vanity of vanities! All is vanity...”  Admit it, you’ve seen it in people’s faces and you’ve probably felt it before as well.

A while ago, I read a book about the leadership of Winston Churchill. It talked about a man who inspired a nation to be devoted to the cause. Granted it wasn’t just the soldiers that needed motivation it was the common workers as well. One can hear the resolve in his words as he spoke with thunderous conviction - “We cannot fail, we must not fail!”  What I found even more inspiring was a speech that he gave to the nations steel workers. Could you picture a group of people more out of touch with the war effort? Yet Churchill’s fiery gazed captured their attention as he said, “The foundations upon which all our chances of Victory stand is Steel…Every man or manager who is engaged in Steel Production is directly engaged in smiting down the enemy and bringing the war to a speedy close. And although he may not share the perils and sufferings of the fighting troops, he can win for himself the right to share their honour when victory is attained.”     

If you were that steel worker, what would your next shift look like? Would there be a dedication in your soul? Would you show up early ready to go? Would you give that extra effort and devote yourself selflessly to the cause? I am sure something would change inside now that you understood the importance of your role. Perhaps a leader’s task is not to lord over others placing them in their individual “hamster wheels” but to give people a sense of how their effort fits into the larger picture.
I see this same attitude in the Apostle Paul. In 1 Corinthians 15:58 after explaining the victory that we have through Jesus Christ he says, “…be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the world of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labour is not in vain.” A few chapters before that he described the church as a body with many parts. And, all these parts are dependent upon one another. No one should feel like their service in the church is like running in a “hamster’s wheel.” It is the leader’s job to make sure that never happens.

The other day on our “Church Visitation Tour” a pastor almost tackled me in the foyer after the service. He looked me in the eye and said, “There is a place for you here, and I want to help you find it.” He went on to explain the vision for their church and a possible role that I could play as former youth pastor and current Seminary student. I have to admit, I was drawn into his passion. But most of all, I was drawn into the clarity in which he saw the different roles of the church. Heh, if only that church was closer…

What would happen in our churches if people caught sight of the larger vision of what God is calling us to do? What would happen if they understood the urgency and necessity of their role? How much passion, perseverance and commitment would it ignite in their soul? What would happen if no one was left to run endlessly in their hamster wheel?
Don’t assume that even the most committed Christian will run blindly forever. Take some time to unleash their potential and ignite their passion by showing them the larger vision and their role in it. Do it now, the kingdom depends on it!

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